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Project Scope

CPNI and NCGrowth worked with Wesley CDC to facilitate a two-day workshop on June 24-25, 2021. The goal of the
workshop was to introduce and receive community feedback regarding the development of a potential rural village center. The potential site for this rural village center is on land owned by Salem United Methodist Church, located near Bostic, NC. The workshop was attended by NCGrowth, CPNI, Wesley CDC, and stakeholders from Salem UMC. These stakeholders were a mixture of church members and representatives from the community. Conversations revolved on the assets of Rutherford County and Bostic, community needs, and community preferences regarding a potential village center.

Team Members

  • Mike Barnes, Principal, Thomas & Hutton
  • Janet Brooks, Director of Business Development, Clark Nexsen
  • Michael Cole, Principal, ColeJenst & Stone | Bolton & Menk, Inc.
  • Krissy Ferguson, Associate Principal, LS3P
  • Pat Fogleman, Executive Director, CPNI
  • Gary Hubler, Principal, FWA Group
  • Phil Jones Vice Chairman, CPNI
  • Greg Shelton, Founder and CEO, Shelton Law Carolinas
  • NCGrowth Participants
    • Jessica Wilkinson, Project Manager
    • Eve Lettau, Analyst



Recommendations for developing a rural village center on Salem UMC land in Bostic are separated into three categories: Site specific recommendations, potential use recommendations, and governance recommendations

  • Site Specific Recommendations
    • Ensure the design of the rural village center enhances the character of Bostic and Washburn
    • Develop frontage along Sunshine Bostic Highway (if possible)
    • Potential site designs are included in Appendix A of this report.
  • Governance and Administration
    • Develop a cross agency council to manage and operate the facility
    • Determine financing model
    • Develop vision and strategic plan
  • Potential Use
    • Recruit organization involvement
    • Plan for Workforce Housing
    • Use data to inform potential uses

Final Report

Click here to download and read the workshop report