Construction Professionals Network Institute, Inc. is a non-profit initiative focusing on construction industry related projects and community service throughout the State of North Carolina. CPN of North Carolina, Inc., a non-profit construction industry membership organization, founded CPN Institute in 2006 to expand its mission of service to the construction industry and provide assistance to communities throughout North Carolina. The CPN Institute was incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation in 2011 to focus on education and community services.
CPN of North Carolina, Inc. is a statewide membership organization of business and professional leaders who are involved with design, construction and related construction industry services. As a multi-disciplined and professionally diverse construction trade association, CPN members include architects and designers, engineers, developers, constructors and sub-contractors, construction and dispute attorneys, construction bankers, and other related service professionals. Its members are either owners or senior management within their respective firms who have been invited to join CPN.
CPN fills a need for a statewide organization that is more than a business development networking group. CPN is a “resource” comprised of leaders from all the various disciplines supporting the construction industry, rather than an organization of persons or firms promoting a limited special interest. The diversity of disciplines and businesses within the membership of CPN makes it unique among construction industry associations.
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CPNI is a proud recipient of a 2022 & 2023 AIA Activate Grant.